First start up with Propellers
Första startt med propellrar, ganska blåsigt.
First start up with propellers, quite windt!
Rolls-Royce Griffon feathering test
Nu fungerar bladvridningen under drift, så nu kan jag belasta motorn.
The propeller feathering is now working, then I can put some load on the engine.
Rolls-Royce Griffon Mk58 at Graested 2015
En av alla körningar på Graested Veteranträff 23-25:e Maj 2015, mycket publik!!
One of all the runs at Graested Vintage Meeting 23-25th of May 2015.
Nykoping Harbor 2015
Fisrt startup from Heavy Vehicle Meeting at Nykoping Harbor 12th of Aug 2015